Bloomington Community Band Board August 2015 Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2015
Meeting Called to Order: 9:06pm
In attendance: Jerry Jerome, Christy Townsend, Guy Hardy, Bob Appelman, Don Westerhouse, Joe Car, Anita Elsey(visitor), Doug Davis, Lloyd Orr, Phyllis Solnzeff (visitor), Phil DiLavore, Gary Wiggins, Chelsea Hoover, Bill McGregor, Caroline Townsend (visitor).
Absent: Ron Sebben
Meeting Minutes:
Motion to accept minutes as presented made by Bill, seconded by Lloyd. Motion passes.
Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report as presented made by Bill, seconded by Gary. Lloyd is in contact with a CPA. He wanted an outline of our procedures etc., and Lloyd has sent that to him. He hasn’t gotten a response yet because he sent it earlier today. Report accepted as presented.
4th Street Arts Fair
We have a booth we need to have manned. Bill has a signup sheet to sign up for times.
Rehearsal Space
The Rehearsal space committee has looked at 5 or 6 different churches to move to, and all the ones we liked rejected us because of either space concerns or program conflicts. We have secured the Endwright Center until the end of our season, but they’ve put lots of stuff in the space where we would rehearse, making it quite small, smaller than Heritage Hall.
Doug has a church nearby his house that has a detached, climate controlled pole barn that they might be willing to let us use at least temporarily. The church is very small, but they might be interested in the financial contribution we could offer. We would need to talk to them about possible percussion storage. It is 7 minutes from McDonalds on the bypass. We have until the week after next to find a new rehearsal space while St. Thomas renovates.
We do have some flexibility in the budget to help pay for a rehearsal space.
Bob moves that we authorize Doug between $100 and $150 to secure a new rehearsal space. Don seconds. Motion passes.
Policy Statement Concerning Director and Grad Students
We need to have something in the policies that speaks to the payment for the music director and library assistant student stipends. Before we started the endowment campaign we earmarked 80% of the endowment to the music director’s salary. That and several other ideas have not stayed current. As a result, we would like to put in the policy statement that that is how the endowment was supposed to be spent.
The policy statement will be:
Compensation for the positions of Music Director and Music Library Graduate Student Assistant is normally taken from the BCB Endowment policy. They are to be funded at a minimum of $4000/annum for the Music Director and $1000/annum for the Library Assistant.
Also to be considered here is that we still haven’t managed to get to the height of our 16 quarter moving average, so the proceeds haven’t caught up to paying for the stipends. There is some concern that the policy statement as written by Gary requires the entire endowment proceeds to go to the stipends.
Doug motions that we accept the proposed policy as presented. Bob seconds. Lloyd would like to make a small amendment to the policy. Motion passes.
Zamboni Dixieland Band
Doug motions we approve the affiliation of the Zamboni Dixieland Band. Don seconds. Motion passes.
Music Stands
Doug would like us to give the stands we have purchased to the membership to cut down on the difficulty of moving the stand cart and the frustration of hauling the stand cart. Also, the stand cart is huge and bulky and takes up a lot of space in Heritage Hall. We might have an easier time finding a new rehearsal space if we don’t have quite so much equipment.
He is proposing that there would be some loss of stands over time, and the suggestion is we just write off that cost (about $26).
Doug will volunteer to keep track of who takes a stand, at least for the time being.
Another option might be to keep the stand cart on the trailer and have members retrieve the stand from the trailer. Another idea would be to create a team willing to help load and unload the trailer.
This discussion is tabled until further notice.
New Business
Recording device has not been purchased yet. We have yet to determine who is supposed to be purchasing it.
Don developed a carpooling section on our website. We should let the band know about it.
We need to work on Marketing for the 4th Street Arts Fair.
It might be a good idea to survey the band members about travelling to concerts and the number of concerts.
Meeting adjourned at 10:06pm.