1. Name and Purpose
  2. This organization shall be known as the Bloomington Community Band.
  3. Its purpose shall be:

1.To contribute positively to the musical environment of the areas it serves, whether local or otherwise.

2.To provide an opportunity for individual musical expression and growth among the membership.

3.To provide an opportunity for contact between proficient musicians.

4.To reaffirm the community concert band position in American music.

  1. Membership
  2. Qualifications for Membership

1.Any adult who is interested in the purposes of the Bloomington Community Band may be considered a candidate for membership provided that:

  1. A written application from the candidate is made to the secretary (or personnel manager).
  2. The applicant qualifies to the satisfaction of the conductor.
  3. A vacancy exists.

2.High school students desiring membership must have approval of his/her participation from the band director of the candidate’s. high school.

  1. Such a candidate shall become a member of the organization when:
  2. A successful audition (required at the discretion of the conductor) has been completed.
  3. Current membership dues have been paid.
  4. He shall remain a member as long as she/he shows musical competence and agrees to the conditions of membership as stated in the By-Laws.
  5. Duties of Members

All members shall take part in the activities of the band.

III. Board of Directors

  1. Executive Authority

The executive authority of the band is vested in a Board of Directors

whose duties shall include:

  1. Management of the general affairs of the band, taking all action which is compatible with the best interest30f the band.
  2. Management of the financial affairs of the band and establishment of an annual budget.
  3. The appointment and dismissal of the conductor, assistant conductor, and the business manager. (There shall be an annual review of these appointments.
  4. The replacement of members of the Board of Directors who are unable to complete their term of office.

5.The establishment of a schedule of rehearsals and concerts.

  1. Titles

The Board of Directors shall consist of:

1.Ten elected members who mint be members of the band, including:

  1. Treasurer
  2. Secretary‑Personnel Manager
  3. Publicity Coordinator
  4. Librarian
  5. Property Manager
  6. Fund Raising Coordinator
  7. Members at large (4)
  8. Four appointed members including:
  9. Conductor
  10. Assistant Conductor
  11. Business Manager
  12. Delegate from sponsoring organization

3.Each new board shall elect a chairman, who shall be its presiding officer.

4.Each member of the board shall have one vote.

  1. Election of Board Members
  2. On or before April 1 of each year, the Chairman of the Board shall appoint a three member Nominating Committee (one and only one, of whom shall be a board member for the purpose of preparing a

slate of candidates.

Candidates in the odd‑numbered years will be:

Publicity Coordinator


Property Manager

Members et Large (2)

Candidates in the even‑numbered years will be:

Secretary‑Personnel Manager


Fund Raising Coordinator

Members at Large (2)

  1. The Nominating Committee shall present its report at the first rehearsal in May, listing one candidate for each titled, elected position on the board.

3.. It shall require a two‑thirds majority vote of the members present and voting to sustain the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. Lacking the required vote, the Nominating Committee shall be  instructed to prepare a revised slate for the following rehearsal.

  1. Candidates for members‑at‑large shall be nominated from the floor. A preliminary vote will establish the top four candidates. The results of the second vote will select the two candidates to serve as member‑at‑large.
  2. Each elected member of the Board will serve a two‑year term, beginning on September 1, following her/his election to the office.
  3. Meetings
  4. Meetings of the Board of Directors and meetings of the full band membership may be called at the discretion of the Chairman of the Board or at the request of any band member.
  5. Amendments
  6. Previous notice of a proposed amendment to this constitution, along with a copy of the proposed amendment, must be presented at a duly constituted meeting of the band membership at least 30 days or three full rehearsals prior to voting.
  7. A three‑fourths vote of those present and voting will be necessary for its adoption.


  1. Membership.
  2. Attendance

Attendance shall be taken at every rehearsal and concert. Members may be dropped from the roster for excessive absences. Members are expected to play all scheduled concerts.

  1. High school students who have membership in the Bloomington Community Band are expected to give priority to their high school band or orchestra in the event of a conflict of schedules.
  2. Members are expected to give advance notice to the conductor of the necessity of being absent from a concert.
  3. Rehearsals

Rehearsals shall be held on Monday evening.

  1. Concert Dress

Concert dress shall be determined by the band’s Board of Directors

and adhered to by the entire membership.

  1. Auditions

Auditions shall be held by the conductor. All new members shall be required to audition during the first four‑week

period of their membership in the band. All seating will be determined by the conductor.

  1. Membership Dues

The Board of Directors shall establish annual membership dues.

  1. Fund Raising

Major fund raising projects involving extensive member participation shall be approved by a majority vote of the


  1. Concerts

Concerts outside the Chicago (sic) area shall require the approval of the band membership.

  2. Duties and Responsibilities
  3. Business Manager

The Business Manager shall handle all business that comes before the band, making arrangements for concerts,

trips and purchases of equipment, and will be responsible for the printing of handbooks, programs and brochures.

He may recommend appointment of ad hoc committees as needed.

  1. Secretary‑Treasurer

The Secretary‑Treasurer will keep records of all meetings of the Band Board and full membership and other

permanent records as may be necessary. He will collect and disburse all monies as approved by the Board and will

prepare appropriate financial reports.

  1. Personnel Manager

The Personnel Manager will maintain an up‑to‑date membership list, a waiting list of prospective members, and an

accurate weekly record of attendance. He will appoint two members of the band to serve as membership committee,

with himself as chairman of this committee, in consultation with the conductor, to recommend the dismissal of a

band member to the Band Board.

  1. Publicity Coordinator

The Publicity Coordinator will promote and publicize all activities of the band and will serve as band historian.

  1. Librarian

The Librarian will distribute the music folders at all rehearsals and concerts and will be responsible for the

transportation of the folios to all concert sites.

  1. Property Manager

The Property Manager will be responsible for setting up chairs, stands, and equipment at all rehearsals and


  1. Fund Raising Coordinator

The Fund Raising Coordinator shall develop and coordinate projects to raise funds.

  1. Members‑at‑Large

The members‑at‑large may be assigned responsibilities by the Chairman of the Board.