We’ve set up a way for your purchases through Amazon to contribute to the band, using Amazon Smile. Amazon Smile is an alternate Amazon website- it is exactly the same as Amazon, except when you make eligible purchases, Amazon donates 0.5% of what you spent to a charity of your choice. Here’s how to sign up:
- Designate BCB as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile.
- Visit https://smile.amazon.com/ch/45-0526311 and login with your Amazon account
- OR Visit https://smile.amazon.com, login with your Amazon account, and search for “Bloomington Community Band” as your designated charity.
- Make purchases on Amazon through the smile.amazon version of the site.
- Amazon Smile requires pruchasing from the smile.amazon version of the site in order for donations to be made to the band.
- If you wish, download a plugin into Google Chrome (there are similar versions for Firefox and Safari) that prompts you to redirect to Amazon Smile whenever you visit the normal Amazon website. Here’s a link to the Google Chrome plugin: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/amazon-smile-redirect/ejglonclnjogoiegggjjcpapffbnangg?hl=en.