November 16, 2015 Board of Directors Meeting

Bloomington Community Band Meeting Minutes

November 16th, 2015.

In attendance: Jerry Jerome, Christy Townsend, Bob Appelman, Joe Car, Anita Elsey(visitor), Doug Davis, Lloyd Orr, Phyllis Solnzeff (visitor), Phil DiLavore, Gary Wiggins, Bill McGregor, Don Talbott, Kyle Hetrick, Jenn Strayer, Julie Kraft (visitor) Lee Terrell (visitor).

Not in attendance: Guy Hardy, Don Westerhaus, Gary Wiggins, Don Westerhaus

Meeting called to order at 9:10pm

Meeting Minutes:

Bill motion to accept minutes as presented, Phil seconds.  Motion passes.

Treasurer’s Report

$1120 revenue, $0 expenses. Audit is underway. Motion to accept Treasurer’s report Christy, Phil seconds.

Straw Poll Results:


In 2016 we should perform: 3-6 concerts: 0  7-10 concerts: 3 11-15 concerts: 18  16-19 concerts: 15 20+ Concerts: 1

In 2015, we performed 5 out-of-town concerts.  They included the Terre Haute Community Band Festival, the Greenwood Community Band Festival, McCormick’s Creek State Park Concert, the Orleans Fall Festival, and the Tivoli Benefit Concert.  In 2016, we should perform out of town: 1 time: 0  2 times: 3  3 times: 8  4 times: 20  5 times: 7  6+ times: 1

How much does travelling to a concert influence your choice to attend the concert: Definitely influences: 3  Sometimes influences: 18  Doesn’t influence: 20

Favorite Out-of-town concert:  Terre Haute: 14  Greenwood: 7  McCormick’s Creek: 10 Orleans: 2  Tivoli: 5

Least favorite out-of-town concert:  Terre Haute: 3  Greenwood: 0  McCormick’s Creek: 1  Orleans: 12  Tivoli: 3

What do we want to do with this information?  Doug recommends we table until the January.  It appears although the band members appear to like the Terre Haute concert the best, but that was the least-attended concert of the year.

It also appears that there doesn’t seem to be a huge issue with what we’re currently doing.

Holiday Party

The holiday party will be on the 21st of December here at Heritage Hall.

Named Chairs

Jerry would like a volunteer for a committee chair to select our named chairs.  Jen Strayer volunteers as tribute.

Percussion Players

Bob wants to run an ad for a percussionist In the Herald Times this Saturday.  Phil is concerned that no percussionists read the paper.  Christy is more concerned that they CAN’T.  Regardless, it will cost $150.

Jerry is also working with Area 10.

Doug has some names of percussionists we could try.  We should also put it up on CATS.  Possibly also the Bloomington Area Arts Council newsletter.

Lighting/Rehearsal Space

We need a little more organization in the setup and tear down of our rehearsal.  Jerry would like us to discuss it.  The equipment manager used to be responsible for this, but Bob is taking care of so much more that we don’t necessarily want to put more on him.

Gary thinks that maybe we could assign a section nearby the lights to take them down.

Doug doesn’t think that they take up too much space if they are left up.

Perhaps we want to help assist St. Thomas fundraise for new lighting in Heritage Hall, but it’s possible that Heritage Hall may be completely renovated eventually.

We may be able to adjust the lights to help light the room.

Maybe we could ask that our $1200 donation could be used towards helping fix the lighting situation.

Planning Meeting

Planning meeting January 16th at 7pm at Doug’s House

Honorarium for Scott

Lloyd moves that we pay him $350 for the 2 concerts he directed us, as well as the rehearsals for those concerts.          Motion passes.

There is a committee that is studying the personnel manual to look at the responsibilities of each board members.

New Rehearsal Space

There may be a few options for new places to play.

Meeting ended: 9:52pm