Bloomington Community Band Board Meeting
March 21, 2016
Meeting called to order at 9:07
In attendance: Jerry Jerome, Gary Wiggins, Lloyd Orr, Charles Davis , Don Talbott, Kyle Hetrick, Joe Car, Phil DiLavore, Don Westerhaus, Anita Elsey, Patrick Zito, Christy Townsend, Bob Appelman, Phyllis Solznoff, Doug Davis, Chelsea Hoover, and Ryan Yahl.
Not in attendance: Bill McGregor
Welcome Ryan!! We are so happy to have you here!
Minutes from January Planning Meeting
Doug moves to accept minutes as presented. Lloyd seconds. Motion Passes.
Discussion of February 29th minutes tabled.
Treasurer’s Report
We will likely end up with a reasonable surplus. One of the unknowns is the cost of the financial audit. The auditor has suggested that we have a financial audit as well. Lloyd will speak to him to get an estimate about it and will bring that number back to the board.
Motion to accept January and February Treasurer’s report: Gary. Seconded by Phil. Motion passes.
Personnel Handbook
Committee has been working since fall to review and revise the Personnel Handbook. Some feedback was given, and the handbook was updated. Motion to accept handbook as proposed: Bob, seconded by Doug. Motion passes.
The committee also worked on a timeline to help us remember what we need to do when over the course of the year.
We will no longer do the American Legion breakfast. However, we can submit a proposal to them to solicit a donation from them.
We have started selling ads for the brochure. We made $3000 on the brochure last year.
Other fundraising ideas? Swingtime could do a fundraising dance. We would need to strongly market the event. Lloyd suggests that the Endowment will likely return the amount we usually make at the breakfast (which was $1200). We did a garage sale a few years ago and we raised over $1,000. We also did an Oktoberfest and Valentine’s Day dance for the Endowment drive.
It might make more sense to write a proposal and see what the American Legion is willing to give us first. DOUG WILL WRITE THE PROPOSAL.
We are still looking for volunteers to sell ads for the brochure. Doug will provide all the materials you need and instructions. We already have a pretty good start on it.
New Director
We have one. Yay! He pronounces his last name “Yale”, like the college. Way to go Bob and his committee! We are very thankful for all of their work, as well as their celerity.
Introductions. J
Scheduling changes: Greenwood Festival will not be happening this year. They are remodeling the Community Center, so they cannot have the festival. We will not be playing at the College Mall for Christmas. Sears’ area will be remodeling in that area so we won’t fit. We are down to 15 concerts. Don will be sending out the schedule to the whole band soon. Don will look at some other Christmas venues like the Tivoli and possibly the Unitarian Universalist church or Genesys Church.
New Business
Director’s Stand/Podium
Our current equipment is pretty beat up. Jerry would like to put together a committee to research that. Kyle, Ryan and Don Westerhaus will be on the committee.
We already have a couple broken stands. It would be a good idea to remind people to be careful with the stands.
Stand Lights
They worked out pretty well when we used them before (we used them at Tivoli). Jerry was able to get them from Target for $9.00 apiece. They do run through batteries, but it might be worth it. Heritage Hall was supposed to have more lighting during the renovation, but we’re not sure whether it’s going to happen or not. Jerry will talk to St. Thomas to find out.
Switchyard Park Amphitheatre
Donna Lafferty from the symphony apparently knows all about it and we would like to help influence the ideas. They are looking to have both an indoor and outdoor space. Doug is going to follow up to hopefully get us part of it.
Gong Donation
Chuck Davis donated a gong. Thank you!!!
We should probably look at who is and who is not a member of this group. He will try to put something together before the next board meeting. Lloyd suggests it will be easier to tell who is and who isn’t when we collect dues in June.
Section leaders’ meeting: We probably want to change our warmups. They are looking at new stuff for us to play.
He is frustrated at the level of talking during rehearsal. He will bring it up at the section leaders’ meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 9:46pm.