Bloomington Community Band Board July Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2015
Meeting called to order 8:56pm
In attendance: Jerry Jerome, Christy Townsend, Anita Elsey(visitor), Doug Davis, Lloyd Orr, Phyllis Solnzeff (visitor), Phil DiLavore, Gary Wiggins, Chelsea Hoover, Bill McGregor, Al Olsen (visitor), Jennifer Strayer (visitor).
Absent: Guy Hardy, Don Westerhaus, Bob Appelman, Joe Car, Ron Sebben
Meeting Minutes
Bill motion to accept the June minutes as presented. Doug seconded. Meeting minutes are accepted as presented.
Treasurer’s Report
The budget reports since January had a $20 clerical error. Lloyd has corrected that amount throughout the ledger.
Ron has asked for an indefinite leave of absence from the band. We will be trying to keep things together through the end of the year without him. We will need to put together some kind of schedule to get a conductor through that time, possibly guest conductors.
Rehearsal Space
We really haven’t been able to find someplace to rehearse other than St. Thomas, because we need more than just a room: we need the space once a week, plus climate control and storage for a substantial amount of equipment.
We also run the risk of alienating St. Thomas by looking for someplace else to practice.
There are some drawbacks to St. Thomas, including trailer storage and room. Also, when we move back to Heritage Hall, we can’t expect much difference in acoustics etc.
The biggest issue we’ve had with a new place is storage space.
Car Pool/Concert Attendance
We got everyone to Terre Haute who needed a ride. Out of town concert attendance and number of concerts is a topic we should continue at a later date.
2016 Budget
Our investment account has changed a little because Lloyd has real numbers now with which to calculate. Lloyd would like us to increase the incremental line item to the conductor stipend by $100.
Bill moved to accept the 2016 Budget as amended. Doug seconds. Motion passes, budget is approved.
Lloyd has contacted a couple of people regarding an audit. One firm wanted $2-3k, another $6-7k. Many of the people he talked to suggested we might not need a full audit. The UU church gets a procedural audit for $500 a year. Doug moves to proceed with a procedural audit, and Gary seconds. Motion passes.
Proposed Language for Investment Fund Policy
Earning from the BCB investment fund will be transferred to the operating budget on an annual basis. The amount transferred will be 5% of a twelve quarter moving average of the fund value. An affirmative vote of seven members of the Board is required for withdrawals in excess of this amount.
Lloyd moves that we accept the policy as proposed, Bill seconds. Motion passes.
Meeting adjourned 9:54pm.