NOVEMBER 19, 2018, called to order at 9:14 pm
In attendance: Jerry Jerome, Tim Bitzer, Doug Davis, Phyllis Solnzeff, Lloyd Orr, Andrew Felt, Richard VanArsdel, Joe Car, Ron Hardesty, Dominic Thompson, Don Talbott, Jenn Strayer, Joanne Passet, Deb Wehman
- Minutes
The minutes from the September 24, 2018, Board Meeting were approved as amended. Doug thanked Don for his very thorough examination of the minutes.
- Treasurer’s Report
Lloyd noted more income this month, as well as more expenses. The treasurer’s report was accepted.
Opening Remarks
Deb asked for clarification for taking music out of the folder and indicated she has sent
written instructions to the ever-growing flute section which closely parallel the BCB policy. It was decided that the recently-approved “Rules of the Road” document given to all band
members would include music check out information. Likewise, the new band member
brochure will include this information. This will be a topic for discussion at the next
Section Leaders’ Meeting (how to enforce this policy). Deb also questioned what to do if
additional flutes want to join the band. Board members expressed confidence that the
section will self-regulate, but we might have to come up with a “waiting list” for players if
it becomes unmanageable.
Old Business
- Audit Committee
Lloyd reported that the financial audit should be done before the end of the year.
- Holiday Party
Doug reported that plans are coming along nicely. Don, Jenn, Richard, and Phyllis
volunteered to help set up and take down decorations, etc. Lloyd requested an invoice
for payment of the pianist, door prize, and winner of the trivia contest.
New Business
- Seamus Jarmin (baritone player)
Tim and Jerry gave an introduction and positive comments about this 19-year-old Ivy Tech student who will be playing with us soon. The Board expressed unanimous approval in welcoming him to the BCB. The issue of his placement in the band will be addressed as needed.
- Search (for new rehearsal venue)
Tim brought the Board up-to-date on the search. A number of requirements have been established and will be expressed to the venues we contact. He asked that Board members be on the lookout for any possibilities. The City of Bloomington has recently announced their intention to construct a dedicated performing arts space as part of their planned redevelopment of the Bloomington Hospital site. This is an opportune time for members of the Bloomington performing arts community to come together and brainstorm what they might hope to see this performing arts space contain.
To that end, there is a meeting on Friday, November 30th, from 4:30 – 6pm in the main Auditorium of the downtown branch of the Monroe County Public Library. Jerry and Tim will attend for the BCB.
Jenn headed a discussion of why more members don’t use OATS and what we could do to make more “user friendly.” Many Board members expressed the opinion that the problem was not with the program, but with members not taking the time or making the effort to use it. Suggestions were made on how to improve its use, or do away with it. It does have some value for Dominic, Jenn, and Phyllis. Reaching no consensus, the issue was adroitly tabled for a discussion at the next Section Leaders’ Meeting.
- Named Chairs
The annual practice of naming chairs in honor of those who were represented by the donation of a $5,000 gift to the band several years ago will take place at the Holiday Party. Tim and Doug were selected to choose a woodwind and brass award winner.
- Jan . 2019 Board Meeting
The annual planning Board meeting will be on Monday, Jan. 14, 2019 at a place to be determined. Rehearsals will begin on Feb. 4, 2019.
In concluding the meeting, Jerry thanked everyone on the Board and expressed his appreciation for the great honor of serving as Chair for the last 4 years. He will stay on the Board in an acting capacity as Band Manager until elections in the fall of 2019.
Meeting adjourned at 10:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Davis, Secretary