SEPTEMBER 24, 2018, called to order at 9:16 pm
In attendance: Jerry Jerome, Tim Bitzer, Doug Davis, Phyllis Solnzeff, Andrew Felt, Richard VanArsdel, Joe Car, Ron Hardesty, Bob Appelman, Dominic Thompson, Don Talbott, Jenn Strayer
- Minutes
The minutes from the August 20, 2018, Board Meeting were approved.
- Treasurer’s Report
Lloyd was absent. For the record, it was noted that the Heritage Hall Dixieland Band contributed $550 for recent performances, and the German Hungry Five band contributed $250 for a recent performance.
Old Business
- Library Intern
Sarah Mason, who was our intern last year, has been selected as intern again this year, at least for the fall semester. She has also joined the flute section. There were questions from Jenn as to how/who pays Sarah. She will contact Gary Wiggins for an answer.
- Uniforms/Shirts
This will continue to be an agenda item later in the year. Members will be invited to participate in the discussion.
- Audit Committee
Tim discussed the different kinds of audits available to us after talking with a CPA Beth Feldman. No decision was made, but it appears we will be interested in a Compilation Audit ($1,500 to $2,000). We will contact the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra to see what level of audit they do.
New Business
- Halloween Concert
Tim is checking with schools in the area to see if they have students who may want to develop an on-screen B&W series of clips from “horror” movies that could be shown during our performance. Tim and Drew are working on publicity. Fliers were handed out in abundance during the 4th St. Arts Fair. The film selected by the Buskirk Chumley staff will be shown at 7 after our concert (5:30-6:30). We discussed a possibly narrator for the music (Jenn said her husband may be interested). Jerry wanted everyone to emphasize the need to come in costume. Proceeds from the concert will go to the Krimson Leadership Academy.
- Merging Development and Publicity Officers
Doug reported that Drew and Lloyd and he will be meeting soon to finalize a recommendation to the Board for discussion at the next meeting.
“Around the Room” Comments
Jerry commented that we need to push hard to select candidates for the open Board positions. He requested of Don to place the Personnel Handbook (sans confidential information) on the website.
Bob commented that he will not be running for Property manager, but was working on a recommendation concerning loading and unloading equipment. Drew will assist in driving the trailer next year.
Andrew stated he has a photographer friend who will be willing to take pictures to update our tri-fold, which has some pictures over 10 years old. We still have plenty of brochures, which will be passed out freely in the next month. Jerry recommended placing some at the Bloomington/IU/Monroe County Visitor’s Center.
Jenn has updated our roster. It went out to all members via email and is on our website.
Tim moved that the BCB pay for any costs associated with the rehearsal of the affiliated groups when they journey to the Endwright Center. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Tim discussed the inadequacies of Heritage Hall for rehearsal purposes and proposed that we talk with the church staff about the air conditioning, and, if that cannot be addressed, we look for alternative rehearsal space. Several options were mentioned (the Old Brown School on N…..soon to be I-69 …ha ha; Eagles Landing…current home of Seven Oaks charter school …Ron will check; General Electric, now owned by Cook; Faith Lutheran Church). Several members agreed to pursue the matter informally at present.
Ron reiterated that his father-in-law’s church (near Ivy Tech) would be building a 60X90 all-purpose hall and that they were agreeable to let the BCB rehearse there. It will include a kitchen and storage space. Anticipated completion date is fall 2019.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Davis, Secretary
Additional New Business
- Combining Publicity and Development Officer Board positions
At the suggestion of previous Development Officer Doug Davis, and with the concurrence of Board Chair Jerry Jerome, this issue should be explored. Lloyd, Doug, and Andrew will meet to have recommendations for the next Board meeting. However, no change is suggested until the next election cycle when both positions will be chosen.
- Andrew advised that he will be developing a Face book group to accompany our Face book page.
- Social gathering (last Monday of the month rehearsals)
Phyllis suggested we make it clear that the section sponsoring the gathering be sure to take home the trash instead of relying on St. Thomas staff to clean up after us. This will be announced in rehearsal.
Meeting adjourned at 10:18 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Doug Davis, Secretary